Being a mother, you must once in a while do this sort of thing, like pampering your body with massage and facial treatment. When we take care of ourselves, we can take care our beloved ones better. Agree?
So, I've decided to start another regime and routine to my current beauty and fitness. Facial massage! Yup! I hardly go to any beauty parlour to get facial treatment and such as I prefer to do it at home using my own concoction or bought trusted mask & scrubs. So why not includes facial massage and learn to do the right technique?
I believe most of us concentrates to have pimple-free face or anxious whitening our skin. Much to blame by the influence of advertisements.Even if you already using anti-aging cream, it works better if you include the massage as well. Not only the body or the foot (reflexology) needs massaging, you know....
Here is my findings after the assistance of Mr Google here & there.....
- Prevent further aging or at least slow it down
- Stress reducer
- Stimulates circulation and brings more oxygen to the face resulting glowing skin
- Stimulates the production of collagen and tightens the skin.
- Reduce double chin as it tightens the loose flesh under the chin so it doesn't hang down.
And, here is simple massage technique you can do everywhere and anytime without the needs of creams or special oil. Make sure your hands and face are thoroughly clean before begin this session. It may take less than 15 minutes.
1.Face Tapping
Like a pianist, pretend that you are playing a piano. Run your fingers quickly but lightly over your face, moving them from the top of your forehead to the tip of your chin.
2. Under Eye Swoops
Just below your eye, perform sweeping motion that moves out toward your ears. Use index finger (jari telunjuk) and middle finger (jari tengah) by putting at both sides of your nose just below the eye.
3. Chin pinching
Using your thumb and the side of your index finger, pinch your chin gently. Do it along the jawline towards your ears using both hands' fingers, starting from the chin.
4. Ear Massage
Form a 'V' with index finger and middle finger and place the index behind the ear while the middle on the front part ear.Press firmly while you move the 'V' formed fingers up and down of your ear.Gently pinch and pull ear and the earlobes.
5. Temple Massage
Place index finger and middle finger firmly on your temple and make small circular motions.
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