Sunday, August 23, 2015

Determination and perseverance pays off for her second birth

DISCLAIMER : Permission obtained from the rightful owner of this birth story and minimal editing is done on spelling for better reading but the content is maintained its originality for education purpose. Kindly seek permission from site owner if you wish to share amongst your network.

First of all, thanks to Allah yang sentiasa bersama hambaNya dan melindungi setiap hambaNya. 

Tanpa Allah, tentu tidak smooth proses kelahiran anak kedua saya, Muhammad Aziz Isyraf. Second, thanks to my CBE, Hanz Jamaludin who giving me and husband to attend AMANI class to gain birth knowledge. Very priceless knowledge. Thanks to my husband who always be with me, supports me in whatever I decides and choose for our family. I would like to share my birth story which begins from early pregnancy till the hero safely delivered.

Sejak dapat tahu mengandung, saya dah tekad untuk menjaga kandungan sebaik mungkin. Saya memilih untuk 100% natural, tanpa sebarang ubat2an, kecuali beberapa makanan tambahan seperti VCO, EVOO dan pati delima. Saya tidak mengambil makanan segera, junk food atau makanan diproses. Saya banyakkan minum air kelapa (once a week or two weeks) dan air masak setiap hari. Kurma menjadi makanan wajib, kalau tidak hari2 pun, saya pastikan dlm seminggu 3-4 hari kurma menjadi santapan harian saya.  

Pada trimester ke-3, raspberry leaf tea menjadi minuman wajib hari2. Dalam masa yang sama, saya banyakkan senaman walaupun ada kalanya culas. Makanan harian biasanya makanan yg orang melayu ambil la. Hehehe nasi lemak, roti canai, bihun grg, nasi campur, buah2an, etc.
Sejak raya kedua (18/7/15), saya dah mula cirit birit. Sangkaan saya mungkin sebab salah makan pada hari raya pertama, maklumlah ada rendang, lemang, ketupat etc.  Tetapi cirit birit berlarutan hingga ke 30/7/15 (sehari sebelum bersalin). Ok, saya start msg hanz, my CBE, she did tell that cirit birit is one of the early sign of labour, but it could be due to hari raya  punya makan. Hehehe.

28/7/15 ada sakit2 sikit. Rasa macam senggugut, but not that strong. Lower abdomen memang sakit sejak seminggu sblm tu. Pergi ke klinik untuk check up. Baby’s head dah memang kt bawah. I msg to my bos start today, I will start work from home (huh, dah sakit sikit2, macam mana nk buat kerja ofis). Hahaha.

29/7/15 sakit2 dah tak ada. I did the 4 steps to monitor, after bangun tidur, sakit hilang. Aish baby still syok duduk in my womb. 

30/7/15 I msg hanz informed her ada lendir keluar while was bathing. It was whitish pada mulanya, then ada lendir keluar. Hanz asked sakit tak, I told her tak sakit. It was colourless (a bit brownish). Pada petang tu, I asked hubby to buy me air kelapa. It was last air kelapa I minum hehehe.
31/7/15 I feel sakit balik. Minta hubby jangan ke office as I really need him and asked his favour to send our daughter to babysitter’s house alone. At 12pm, i did a bit exercise and do ‘natural inducer’. Hehehe. With hubby’s help. After hubby came back from solat jumaat, surges dah start. A bit strong. I checked, it was 10 minutes gap. I told hubby, let’s get ready, I feel the surges already. It was 3pm. I called my sister, asked her to pick up daughter. Then siap2 barang2 utk ke hospital. At the same time, I sempat siapkan parcel utk pengeposan. Huuhuhu. After took lunch, terus ke pejabat pos settlekan pengeposan barang customer. Then straight heading to Hospital Serdang. On the way, I msg hanz and my Amani classmate group to inform I was on the way to hosp. Surges was 5:1:1.

Sebaik sampai di dewan bersalin Hosp Serdang, register terus. 5 mins after that, my named had been called. Bacaan tekanan darah di ambil and terus ke toilet untuk ambil urine. A while after that, doc asked me to lie on the bed for ctg. More than 1 hour, I tak leh tahan dah dgn ctg tu cause I start rasa sakit belakang. Sakit belakang ni memang dah bertahun rasanya. Requested politely to the nurse and doc that I nak stop ctg. Initially doc declined my request cause dia ckp ctg tu penting, but I keep 
stressing to him (male doc) that I rasa sakit sangat kt bahagian belakang. I really wanted the ctg to be stopped. Doc reconsidered and asked another 10 mins then they would stop it. Ok I was fine with it. Ctg done. I proceeded to rest at waiting area in the dewan bersalin. While sit there, I felt the surges became strong. Each time surges datang, sakit kat belakang juga kuat.  So I decided to have a walk while listening to my fav song in youtube. Guess what? I watched Muse concert. Hahaha. Cause I like Muse songs so much. Rock pun rock la. Janji I boleh relaks sikit. Hahaha. But relaks tak berpanjangan, masa tengah berdiri kat sofa suddenly, a sound ‘pop’ came out. My water has broken. 

Another mom sitting near the sofa, helped to inform the nurse that my water dah pecah. Nurse asked me to lie on the bed again, doc wanted to do VE. After tukar baju and pad, I lied on the bed. Doc did the VE. Doc mentioned it was 6cm dilated. On the spot, doc instructed nurses to push me to LR. It was 7.30pm. Once sampai kt LR with hubby beside, the surges became more strong. Allah… I was a bit panic. Muka pun jadi stress. Doc and nurses left us alone. Hubby kept trying to calm me. Then I realised I must over calm the stress. I risau lambat fully dilated. Aishhh.. 

Nurse datang to check me, and remind me to baca ayat2 Al-Quran yang I ingat, termasuk mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah juga. Hubby keep supported me and rub my back. While waiting in the LR, actually nurse dah pasang CTG semula. I jadi lg macam nak marah. Cause I tak suka ctg. Hahaha. I tanya nurse, berapa lama ctg ni. She said, ctg akan dipasang sehingga baby keluar. I was like??? 
Huh… gila la mcam ni. Ok takpe. We’ll see how. Then a female doc came to check me. She did the VE. Again, it was 6cm dilated. Before she left us, I cakap I tak mahu CTG ni. She declined my request as she said it was hospital standard procedure. Then I realised, I must use this opportunity to swap with my deal. Hahaha.
I cakap, ok, I boleh accept ctg but I want 3 things, please consider. Muka doc tu terkejut. (mesti dalam hati dia, eh eh nak apa plak patient ni). Hahaha. I said, I want DCC until it stop pulsating, skin to skin and breastfeed within 30mins or as fast as it can. Doc tercengang, then another docs came in, perhaps her boss la. They were discussing about my request. Luckily, they said, Ok puan tak jadi masalah. Fuhhh I Tarik nafas lega. Lega la sgt, masa tu surges memang kuat gila. Rasa nk marah je. 
They left us again. For a few hours juga la. Within the time, the surges came were super duper strong. I did deep breathing. At 10pm++, each time surges datang, sakit belakang menjadi2. With deep breathing, sometimes I can overcome sakit tu, but bila dah lama2, badan I akan menggigil. But I still try my best until when I feel baby head dh dekat macam nak keluar, I seakan tak mampu nak bantu baby. Many times attempted but still baby head tak Nampak lagi. 

At 10:50pm, 2 docs and 2 nurses came and informed they will put drip on me. They said they will put ubat dalam drip untuk percepatkan bukaan. And I was huh?? For what? I dah rasa kepala baby betul2 dh dkt ‘pintu’.  Luckily, when the doc did VE, she said, no need, baby head’s dah very close. But nurse insisted me to put drip cause I was really dehydrated. All the docs and nurses ready to help baby out. Doc mentioned, we cant wait anymore, since baby head dah dekat. Hence, we will need you to teran. I almost macam kecewa sangat. Kecewa sebab tak dpt bantu baby keluar secara natural. So I followed their plan. Nurse instructed me how to push. Once doc suruh teran, I teran, and there it goes, kepala baby pop out finally, then another teran. The doc then bawak baby terus tunjuk pada i. I cant remember much the actual event. Macam lalok pulak time tu. Hahaha.

I consider not 100% gentle birthing, cause the way baby keluar tak natural. Huhuhu. But syukur sangat, after that, I got DCC, skin to skin, breastfeed once skin to skin done and no vaccine too. 
Moreover, I got no induce, no episiotomy, no ubat tahan sakit also and no epidural (yeayyyyyyy). 
Syukur sangat2. I noticed vernix pada badan my son clear. He also tak kena jaundice.

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