Monday, October 12, 2015

Water Birth Posterior Baby After Two Cesareans

DISCLAIMER : Permission obtained from the rightful owner of this birth story and minimal editing is done on spelling for better reading but the content is maintained its originality for education purpose. Kindly seek permission from site owner if you wish to share amongst your network.

WBA2C at Hospital Pantai, Cheras.
Alhamdulillah, perjuangan saya untuk mendapat vba2c telah berjaya bulan lepas. Saya kongsikan cerita ini supaya sesiapa yang masih mencuba untuk vbac terus berusaha dan jangan sesekali putus asa.

Sabtu 5 Sept 2015 (Genap 39 minggu).
Lepas solat Subuh saya baring-baring kejap. Terasa air meleleh keluar. Pergi check kat bilik air, air yg keluar warna coklat cair. Rasa happy campur risau sikit. Happy pasal rasa dah nak jumpa baby dah ni, risau pasal air ada warna la pulak, bukan clear. Tapi tak ada bau. Surges ada tapi sikit-sikit sahaja. Saya siapkan barang-barang dan bawa anak-anak ke rumah mak. Sepanjang hari surges come and go. Leaking masih ada, kena tukar pad a few times. Air masih warna coklat cair. Dah lewat petang baru dapat 5-1-1 dan lepas Maghrib saya ajak husband pergi hospital.

Some lucky mamas bila dah 5-1-1 tu, sejam lepas tu dah bersalin. Saya pulak, jalan baru buka 2cm, baby pun masih tinggi lagi kat -2 station. Beritahu Hanz, dia suruh balik je dulu. Hehe.. Tp since dah leaking dari pagi, fluid pulak ada color, dan surges pun dah pick up I decided to stay at the hospital. Kena administer antibiotik. (Saya tak sempat baca buku Dr. Tadashi sebelum ni so saya pun ok je la psl antibiotik tu).

Admitted at 9.30pm. Lepak kat bilik dgn gym ball, kurma, air zam-zam, dan 1000mg Vit C, sambil dengar ayat Quran dan birth affirmations ulang-ulang. Saya kena buat ctg monitoring di labor room every 6 hours rasanya. Tapi guna yang wireless punya so still ada freedom of movement la, takdelah terbaring je. Habis ctg, balik bilik dan tidur dulu.

Ahad 6 Sept 2015
At 4am the doctor came to check on me. She is totally fine with my decision to wait for the baby to come at his own time. She just calmly explained the risk of sepsis but won’t force me into anything. I can wait at the hospital or if labor stalled, nak balik pun ok. 
So hari Ahad adalah hari menunggu. Menunggu dalam kesakitan. Huhu.. I won’t lie to you, I found surges quite painful. (Tapi contractions lepas kena induce jauh lagi sakit la). Since tak nak drug segala kan, kena la pandai-pandai cope dengan surges tu sendiri. My gym ball sangat-sangat membantu. (So janganlah lupa bawa gym ball ke hospital).
Pukul 10 pagi saya beritahu nurse nak masuk dalam pool. Dalam pool pun kena monitor heartbeat baby dan contractions. (Ini memang syarat doctor for allowing me TOLAC pasal saya dah ada 2 scars. Since guna yg wireless punya, saya tak la kisah sangat). 2 jam berendam dalam air suam, memang sungguh2 menenangkan. Hasilnya surges makin kuat dan kerap.

Dari pool ke atas katil ke atas gym ball ke dalam toilet ke tepi dinding ke atas couch balik ke bilik, balik semula ke labor room. Jalan sana, squat sini. Sambil apply breathing technique sambil buat visualization. Masa ni ingat 3 je, “I see my breath filling a magnificent balloon” masa uterus contract, rose bud opening and blue satin ribbons masa inhale/exhale. Siang tu my husband balik rumah sekejap pasal I pack my stuff je, barang dia tak cukup. Lol! So berseorangan la layan surges di bilik. Nasib baik dia balik tak lama sangat. Breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner lauk hospital.. nasib baik dah pesan husband beli coklat siap-siap. 
Coklat = happy mama = endorphins

Pukul 10 malam saya request lagi sekali untuk masuk pool pasal dah sakit sangat masa ni. 1.5 minit sekali kot surges datang. Masa ni guna vocalization pulak. “Ooh aah ooh aah” dalam pool and I make sure tak clench my teeth and keep my jaw loose. My husband was there the whole time to remind me to breathe, wiping my sweaty forehead, fetching me iced water, and giving moral support.
But another day passed, and still no baby..

Isnin 7 Sept 2015
Pukul 12.30am saya still dalam pool tapi rasa dah penat sangat. Rasa nak baring jsekejap. Masa tengah rest di katil doctor datang dan check. “Baby is posterior, so you need to push like you have a sembelit.” Hmmmph.. patutlah sakit sangat and when I tried to breathe him out and nothing much happened.

At 1 am I was back in the pool and tried every positions in the book. I think all the squats and yoga really help me at this time. 4 hours of hard labor in the warm water and telling myself to "Let it go.." when I felt the ring of fire, and his head was finally out. Yes!!! His whole body came out after the next push/surge. 

My baby is here! I did it! Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah, syukur dan gembiranya memang tak terkata!!! Hilang segala penat dan mengantuk dapat peluk baby. He came out with a little vernix, very calm and alert and didn’t cry. Lepas doctor tepuk-tepuk sikit baru nangis, pasal saya yg bertanya ok ke dia tak nangis ni. Padahal baby tak ada sebab pun nak nangis sebenarnya.

So I got all that I wanted in my birth plan. Drug free (except the antibiotic), all natural, freedom of movement, eat and drink as I wanted, no episiotomy, immediate skin to skin+delayed cord clamping for over an hour, breast crawl, and natural 3rd stage. Placenta came out just minutes after I got out of the pool. And I ended up with no stiches, awesome!

46 hours of looooong labor dari mula leaking hingga lahirnya my 3.45kg baby boy pada pukul 4.47 pagi. Fizikal dan mental memang kena kuat la kalau nak beranak. Seriously. Hard work, but so worth it.


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