Saturday, March 26, 2011

What's holding you? Captain Planet to the rescue!

Jog down to the path of Memory Lane.....

Do you remember this cartoon? I love this Cartoon. I remember their tagline goes like this:

"Earth!- Fire!- Wind!- Water!- Heart!
By your powers combine, I am CAPTAIN PLANET!"

This cartoon teaches a good values in protecting our environment to youngsters.
Okay, the reason I'm up this topic because a wake-up call for you.

Be proud if you are a Nursing Mother, either fully or partially. Be proud if you used to nurse your baby. Be proud if you are 100% supporter of Breastfeeding regardless any circumstances, you still believe Breastmilk is the Best! Be proud also if you have decided that you will nurse your baby when the time has come.

Nursing moms, let it known to you that your deeds have contribute a Great 'Deal' to the Mother Earth as you have decrease 1 number of act that is destroying Our Mother Earth. Do you know that production of infant formula involves a lot of work and energy? Can you imagine how many cows are needed to make this much cow's milk?

Each cow eats a lot of grass. To produce enough grass for the cows, millions of acres of land are required. In the search for land to feed the cows, forests are cut and forests are burnt. The fires destroy the soil and plants, and the animals lose their home. In making infant formula, enormous amount of energy is wasted. In packaging infant formula, paper, plastic and metals create more waste. In transporting infant formula, millions of gallons of fuel are consumed. The whole process means that dirt, smoke and other pollutants are expelled into the air.

Breastmilk goes directly from mother to baby. There is no need for fuel, packaging and transportation. Breastmilk is best for babies and breastfeeding protects our environment.

Now, do you cloth diaper your baby? Cheer yourself for you have taken another step to protect our Mother Earth. Here's some points to ponder:
  • Every child adds about 6500 disposable diapers to our landfills.
  • Disposable diapers have little to no recycling potential and the long term effects of them on the environment remain unknown. It can take up to 500 years to decompose.
  • One baby can produce up to 2 tons of landfill waste using disposable diapers.
  • Harsh bleaches and cleaning agents used at diaper services can cause damage to the environment.
  • Serious threat of contamination from disposable diapers because of human sewage going into landfills.
  • Disposal of human waste in residential garbage is technically prohibited and instructions on disposable diaper packaging recommend that you shake out any fecal matter into the toilet before disposing of it.
  • Viruses found in feces can pose a threat to our water supplies and wildlife.
  • Each baby in disposable diapers consumes 4.5 trees (Based on only 2 years in diapers)
Not scary enough? This is a wake-up call for you to act. A small gesture would go all the way...

I feel grateful that I have taken a small step by breastfeed and cloth diaper. I'm just like you. Working and plenty of task to be taken care of. A sight like below is a regular nightly in our household and that is the cloth diaper only and yes, it is tiring after came back from work, there's heaps of laundry to mind of.

And I got Panda Eyes for constant waking up from my slumberland to fulfill my baby's needs. And, every single day I have to lull the small backpack that contains all the gadgets in order to ensure the next day my baby still has his Mom's Precious Drops.

And then, when I want to pack my lunch from outside, I would try to remember to bring my own washable container so that I can avoid using the polysterine packaging. Hassle eh? I just have to remind myself, "Hey! You're doing something good, babe!"

And, bring your own bag when you're doing your grocery or shopping. Plastic bags are a serious threat to our environment and natural resources - not only do they spoil our parks and beaches - but they can also take up to 1000 years to break down. Plastic bags are responsible for blocking drains and harming our wildlife - both marine and land-based animals.

Yes, we received curios stares and awkward confirmation from the cashier everytime we did this.

I have done the part of Reduce & Reuse. Next step I would take is to Recycle our household wastage likewise, sorting them by the materials it being produced like Plastic, Glass & Paper. A still a long way to go for us.

Do your part, and what I've chatted here is just few examples. There is more you can do.

So, what's holding you? What's Stopping You? Emerge yourself as The Captain Planet & The Planeteers.

The Power is in Your Hand!

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